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About "Garage Bands"

What is a "garage band"?


"Garage Band" is the name of a class where I teach groups of three or more students how to perform music that they are excited about with other musicians close to their age. Students from 8-18 years old can learn how to play pop and rock tunes from bands like Journey, Beatles or Coldplay with their peers. Typically kids will play instruments like electric guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, and use microphones for their vocals. Students will often change instruments from song to song, meaning they may sing and play drums and guitar in one rehearsal! Students are also encouraged to write their own songs and share them with the band.

Do students need experience or need to be signed up with a teacher elsewhere?


While private instruction almost always benefits musical development, no teachers or experience are required! Playing in bands is a great way to learn the ropes of a new instrument while finding out how to use it in a group setting. Students who play in bands eventually gain the confidence to play with other musicians in a variety of settings and gain the ability to learn new songs fast.

Why are you teaching garage bands?


Like stated before, private music lessons help musicians learn but there is so much to be said for playing with others! Students make friends, perform, and learn to be a part of a team in a fun and engaging environment. I believe music is the most fun when making it with others, and I am passionate about teaching Garage Bands for these reasons!


I also wanted to provide a way for homeschooled students to play in an ensemble that's exciting for the kids and affordable for the parents/family. Public schooled students get access to bands, choirs, orchestras and more, whereas homeschooled students are often left without a group to play music with.

However, even students who attend regular public schools don't often have the opportunity to play music they enjoy, but get set loose to learn boring songs on boring instruments (do you know anyone who still plays hot cross buns on the recorder)?

How can I sign up or learn more?


Simply fill out the Contact form to send me an email to join the wait list and/or ask any questions you may have!

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